Saturday, March 23, 2013


I haven't sewn at all... :$ I'm much more interested in doll painting than doll clothes.
I will finish this kitty-head but then I neeed to work on the sewing, shame on you Flavour!

Yeah, about my itty bitty kitty, I've worked pretty hard on her actually!

Doesn't she look fabulous? :'D
She didn't turn out so very cross-eyed, but cross-eyed enough I think!
The ONLY acryl paint I've used on this head is the white, the rest is dry pastel and aquarelle pencils.
I tried to make her as interesting as possible, it's all about the details, and I'm very happy with the result, even if she's not finish yet.
I still have to give her eyelashes and smooth her chin-shading a bit.
I wonder how much people could pay for her IF I some day decided to sell her...

Damn, I love her <3 I'm actually pretty good at painting... o_o
Hugs from Flavour! 

Sunday, March 17, 2013


I've been a good girl today and practiced sewing, it's really hard ;__;
First, I wrapped a torso in sticky tape and cut the wrapping in half  at the spine, ta-da! A simple dress-pattern!
I forgot to ad some extra fabric for the sewing, so it became a top instead :p

I've quit for today since I always prefer to work in daylight and it's getting dark, but I'm thinking about which closing possibilities I will chose for the back.
It's getting really tight in some places and I'm thinking that a decorative hole in the back maybe could be nice, but it's get really bulky in the front then... I hope I can solve the problem tomorrow!


Do you remember when I told you about using "mermaid bubbles" on the dolls to make them look more interesting and give some realism to their water-theme, but realized it was too common and didn't want it anymore?
Last week I visited a new little art-store close to my pharmacy to look for a new paintbrush for miniature-painting(I found one with precious sabel-hair that I bought, it's actually made for aquarelle paint but it's the best kind of brush you can get and will serve you for years. It's worth the money, I paid 40 SEK/~6 USD for mine.).
I found a couple of interesting small plastic "jars" that contained different colored gravels and glitters, along them there were something that reminded me about the mermaid bubbles.
I'ts a very fine ball-gravel and I have no idea what it's called.
I think it's very much alike "caviar" that you use on wet nailpolish to get a unique manicure.
Like you see, I bought the little "jar" and I'm going to use it on Lovis(showed on pic.) faceup.
It has a pretty metallic grey color that will fit her style in a nice way.
Now I have one more reason to search for a true matte glue.

Kisses from Flavour!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Maja, the princess of Siamesia

The work of today was done on a doll I bought in Germany on a school travel - Create-a-Monster Pink Cat.
She has the cutest headmold with tiiiiny little cat-nose and muzzle, but I was really worried about how I should paint her since I've seen really bad examples there people have painted the muzzles white and it turned out to look like facial hair :x
Other artists just painted the lips, eyes and nose without any harder shading.

I want to work with the headmolds, since they are the biggest reason of why I'm so much in love with Monster High, and since no one had tried to go farther with this one I had to do it myself.
Already from the start in Germany, I knew that this kitty was going to be a very feminine lady with bows and pearls, a true feline princess, and of course she have to have a nice pedigree.
I chose the Siamese breed since it's very easy to recognize with a dark masking, deep blue squinting eyes and big pointy ears, and the slender Monster High-body fits it perfectly.

The "problem" was that to make a true-colored Siamese, I had to start with a whiteish doll, mine was pink, so I changed the color-chart a bit.
There actually is a color variant of Siamese cats that is called "lilac", and if you imagine that we turned up the saturation of that cat, maybe we would get one like mine.

Here we go, a purple masked Siamese!

I've only worked with dry pastels(in the colors of dark rose-pink, dark redish purple and black)  and Mr. Super Clear in this photo.
I'm not sure about her lipcolor yet, black feels safe, but not so very royal and red would just look wrong.
I will continue when my... zoom-thing... *google translate* Magnifier(!) arrive, I bought it yesterday and hopefully it will come next week.
Tomorrow I'm going to train on my sewing machine, because this girls clothingstyle craving advanced sewingskills.


The love

I took some time to re-read my blog, since it was a VERY long time ago(Jesus, I've got six more dolls, SIX) and the posts really made me smile!
In the beginning of my doll-hobby I was sooo excited and every new tool was a step closer to get that perfect little hand-made beauty to photograph and share.
I imagined a whole story about each doll and created a own little Monster High-world.
I think you can see in the way I write now that I'm more relaxed about customization today, it's not that I don't like it anymore, but I'm not that ecstatic anymore.
Today I'm not interested in selling my dolls, instead I want to make my own masterpieces that makes me proud of myself.
The dolls I paint and style are artworks, they have a bit of my soul in their looks.
IF i'm going to sell a doll, it would be an ordered doll made for a customer, because I paint dolls for myself and I, for my love of art and Monster High.

I found out the hard way that miniature sewing is maddafakking hard, so, all my outfit-dreams have remained dreams.
The fun thing is that I have stocked up on "useful" fabrics at the same time, so I have lots and lots of fabric waiting... I really should be more patient and train more, but I'm damn good at giving up.

This was my very first face repaint of Lovis, I thought a long time that I was satisfied with what I gave her.
But after months of ignoring her, even if she was practically done and just needed some clothes before selling her,  I realized that I KNEW deep inside myself that I've got the power to paint her a better face than that.
So, now it's wiped away with acetone.
But in the end, I'm happy that it went that way, because now I have a more clear goal for myself.
I know what I have to do to improve as an artist, and this is not that(bad english :s).

Kisses from your Flavour!

It's alive!!

Hi folks!
Long time no see.
I'm NOT going to talk about everything I've done since the last time I blogged, but I think a short list of my ghouls about how far I've come could be nice.

x = done
- = needs to be done

Pépite (Rochelle Goyle)
x Hair removed
x Started cut out eyes
x "Door" in backhead
- Finish cutting from inside
- Bake the perfect eyes
- Rerooting 'n hair cutting
- Facepaint
- Bodypaint
- Panties

Lovis (Cleo De Nile head, Clawdeen Wolf body)
x Rerooted with rya wool
x Bodypaint
- Facepaint
- Panties

Kalas (Draculaura)
x Started rerooting with pink mohair
x Started facepaint
- Finish facepaint
- Bodypaint
- Panties

Maja (Create-a-Monster Pink Cat)
x Started facepaint
- Finish facepaint
- Bodypaint
- Panties

I've not started the customization of the other dolls(Skeleton Create-a-Monster, Witch Create-a-Monster, C.A. Cupid) yet.