Thursday, August 2, 2012

Progress of today!

Well, I can't do very much on my doll project because I get to excited while browsing Ebay and Art&craft-stores ;__;
I mean... I can't stand window-shopping when I have money but are not allowed to buy anything x.x
This is totally new for me, because I used to fill my home with cheap Ebay-crap(seriously, I got like 5 packets every day in the mail) last year.
But i'ts fine, moneyburning can wait...

Today, I instead discovered my Rochelle's new name!
I mean, the pink-haired and pink-eyed design of her "is" Rochelle, and the character Rochelle would hate my  costuming-job(I have NO ideas of putting ANYTHING pink on her ever again, she seems to love that color..).
So, for her, I will make her in to a whole new girl, including changing her name.
I have been researching alot on internet for french words meaning anything about stone, but today I thought "outside the box" and found a interesting name that also tells a little "story" about her.
Oh, yes, I'm so deep :p ...

But I will keep that name as a secret until she's totally done! ;)

This day I became a member of a really interesting community called "Legendary tutorials"!
It's a forum for dollartists of all kinds from the whole world, and I hope they will teach me alot about dollmaking.
For example, they have doll-competitions, like, every month with great prices, and THAT is really good if you are in a "bad" period then dollmaking don't entertain you so much anymore.
It can be a great re-start!

Oh, I almost forgot, I became a member on Flickr(love the name, because "flickOr" means "girls" in Swedish <3), but I haven't put any picture up there yet.. :p

Oh... Sweet little Rochelle.. I'm longing for you so much! ;__;

This is an avatar I have drawn quickly in Flash(I seriously CAN'T draw, but hopefully I will become a better dollpainter).
I use it on Flickr and Legendary Tutorials and it's supposed to look like she has been drinking paint(she had Paint Thirst) :p

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